Chirovet Wales


Acupuncture for Cats

How can acupuncture help my cat?

Cats are very independent creatures, who usually don’t rely on anyone. However, they are not spared when it comes to diseases like kidney failure, metabolic problems, cancer, ageing or arthritis (plus many more). Acupuncture for cats and herbal medicine can help with all those diseases and surprisingly cats tolerate the needles incredibly well. There are some exceptions, when the trust needs to be gained first in which case a laser device is used to stimulate the acupuncture points for cats. In this case the cat can be resting on the owner’s lap or be sitting in the treatment room at a spot of their choice. As well as acupuncture for cats we offer advice on management and feeding to improve the cats general wellbeing from a holistic viewpoint. See our veterinary holistic services here. One of the hardest things to recognise in cats is pain as cats are incredibly clever in hiding it.  Many cat owners overlook weakness and pain because cats simply don’t show it.

What conditions can feline acupuncture treat?

Acupuncture and chinese medical herbs are used to treat conditions such as:

  • Chronic pain, which can look like lack of energy, obsessive licking or grumpiness, sometimes the cats don’t show a great deal at all
  • Arthritic conditions can result in lack of going into the usual favourite places, not wanting to be picked up, messing in the house
  • Arthritic changes can comprise the spine, the neck, lower limbs
  • Kidney, liver and gastrointestinal disease- signs can include, different defecation and stools excessive drinking and urinating
  • Asthma
  • Metabolic diseases such as kidney disease, thus helping to slow down the progression of the disease
  • Lack of appetite and weight loss- to increase an animal’s food intake which is important if they have, for example, kidney disease, pancreatitis or are geriatric and are losing weight
  • Treating inflammatory bowel disease
  • Pain management, pain relief or muscle spasms
  • Skin problems, symptoms can be hair loss, itchiness and dandruff or a greasy coat
  • Cancer

Is acupuncture painful for my cat?

Acupuncture is generally well-tolerated by cats and is not considered painful when administered by a trained veterinary professional. The needles used are very fine and are inserted into specific points on the body to stimulate healing and provide pain relief. Most cats remain relaxed during the procedure, and some may even become drowsy or fall asleep.

How many acupuncture treatments will my cat need?

The appointment takes about 45 minutes whilst the acupuncture needles stay in the cat between 2 and 20 minutes. The length depends on age, condition and compliance of the patient. During the appointment the cat will be assessed from far, examined and feeding, management, environment and behaviour will be discussed. Changes to the previous appointment will be noted and questions answered. The number of acupuncture treatments needed depends greatly on the problem, but changes are usually seen within one to two sessions.

The Acupuncture Session: What to Expect

During an acupuncture session, Julia will assess your cats health and identify specific points for needle insertion. The needles used are very fine and are inserted into specific points on the body to stimulate healing and provide pain relief. Most cats remain relaxed during the procedure, and some may even become drowsy or fall asleep.

Post-Treatment Care and Observations

After the acupuncture session, it’s common for cats to experience increased relaxation or mild fatigue. Some may exhibit improved mobility or a decrease in pain symptoms shortly after treatment. It’s advisable to monitor your cat’s behaviour and activity levels, providing a calm environment to rest and recuperate. Please feedback to us with any observation- it is always good to have plenty of information.